Supplied air respirators (SARs) are used to protect the wearer from airborne contaminants and oxygen-deficient atmospheres. pH7 offers airline systems that allow connection to an air compressor or cylinder to supply clean air to a regulator worn on a belt that then connects to your choice of headtops.
The CleanAIR airlines systems include low pressure warning whistles and the ability to adjust the airflow rate. The CleanAIR Pressure Flow Master is compatible with a wide range of headtops including welding helmets, grinding shields, hardhats with face shields, chemically resistant hoods as well as light hoods. The CleanAIR Pressure for Mask is specifically designed to work with the GX02 full face respirator offering a high level of protection.
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The CleanAIR Conditioner is an inline filter that removes moisture and bad smells and can be wall mounted or free standing. pH7 also offer a full range of air hoses from 10m to 50m in length.
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Home / Products / HAZCHEM Personal Protective Gear / HAZCHEM Respirators & Respiratory Protection / HAZCHEM Supplied Air Respirators
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East Tamaki