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Emergency Shower and Eyewash Testing: Our team of experts conduct annual testing and maintenance of emergency shower and eyewash stations, ensuring they function effectively in the event of chemical exposure emergencies.

Every business that has a plumbed emergency shower, emergency eyewash, or a combination shower and eyewash is required to perform an annual check to be compliant with the standard AS 4775.

Much the same as the WOF you get with your vehicle, an Emergency Shower and Eyewash Annual Check is designed to pick up anything that may have changed over the year that could affect the performance of your emergency shower or eyewash.

You can perform these checks yourself if you have the right equipment, or if you want to keep it simple you can get our expert team at pH7 to perform the annual checks for you. We have all the necessary equipment to complete your annual check on any plumbed emergency shower and eyewash equipment in record time.

Our annual check service includes:

  • Checking all aspects of your emergency showers or eyewashes as specified in AS 4775 including water temperature, flow rates, water pattern, location, signage, lighting and more. (You can download the full checklist here)
  • We’ll advise you of any issues that are present and need to be remediated.
  • We’ll leave a completed report and sign off your annual test tag on the equipment.

Whether you have a single eyewash to check or multiple showers and eyewashes across your site, we’re here to help.

Call now for a quote on 0800 323 223 or send us an enquiry by clicking on the enquiry button below.