Three Common Compliance Failures for an Emergency Shower and Eyewash

While there is a long list of criteria to go through to ensure your existing emergency shower and eyewash complies with AS4775:2007 (that’s the relevant standard for emergency shower and eyewash equipment).

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealand’s workplace health and safety law. It introduced new responsibilities for managing the work-related risks that could cause serious injury, illness or even death.

In workplaces where there is a risk of chemical spills, splashes or accidents the PCBU (Person In Charge of Business or Undertaking) is required to take all practicable steps to ensure that risks are identified, and either eliminated, isolated or as a last resort mitigated. Providing emergency showers and eyewashes that comply with AS4775:2007 is part of the solution to mitigate the risk of  chemical splashes.

We’ve tried to keep it simple. If you answer ‘NO’ to any of these three questions, then you should give the team at ph7 International a call and we’ll advise you about getting your emergency equipment up to standard.

  1. Can you get from the hazard area to your emergency shower and/or eyewash within 10 seconds (walking speed)?
  2. Is the path from the hazard area to the emergency shower and/or eyewash ‘unobstructed’?  That means it’s on the same level, in the same room and has nothing in the way that could be tripped over or stop the patient from reaching the emergency equipment?
  3. Can the emergency shower and/or eyewash be turned on in less than 1 second and be operated hands free for at least 15 minutes?

For those that want to do a more thorough check, download our AS4775 Compliance Checklist and make sure your emergency showers & eyewashes are compliant, below:

For more information about your requirements and or to talk through how we can help, contact us on 0800 323223, or via the website.

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