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PVC Corrosive Cabinets for Long-Term Savings

Class 8 corrosive substances need to be stored in an indoor storage cabinet that has been designed to meet the Australian Standard AS3780:2008.

Most indoor storage cabinets for class 8 corrosives are constructed of metal with a special acid resistant powder coating and stainless-steel rivets and hinges.  However, even with this level of protection steel cabinets will often rust out in 3-5 years as fumes from the corrosive substances held inside escape and attack the cabinet.

Corrosion of the storage cabinet is often made worse in high use situation such as schools where students may take less care cleaning up spills or replacing lids firmly to minimise vapour release.

For longer service life storing corrosive substances we recommend the use of PVC corrosive storage cabinet.  PVC is significantly more resistant to corrosive substances than metal.

Our PVC Storage Cabinets are available in 3 sizes, 40L, 70L and 140L.  All are designed to meet AS3780:2008 and will fit under a standard bench or can be wall mounted.  All cabinets have adjustable shelves, self-closing doors and a built-in liquid tight containment sump.

While an all PVC corrosive cabinet is likely to set you back around 15% more than its metal equivalent, the service life is expected to at least double which means significant long-term savings.  For this reason, users such as schools, universities, medical facilities and professional laboratories usually prefer to spend a little more upfront.

If you’re looking at options for the storage of your acids or bases then you should definitely check out our range here.

For more information about your requirements and or to talk through how we can help, contact us on 0800 323223, enquiries@dilnz.co.nz or via the website.

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