Discover our Quick Bund Spill Mats, the ultimate solution for quick and efficient containment of jerry cans, drums or machinery in any workplace. Engineered from durable PVC, these spill mats offer flexibility and can be easily rolled up and moved from site to site making them, ideal for temporary containment on remote worksites.
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Our Quick Bund Spill Mats are designed for versatility and ease of use, featuring a compact and lightweight design that allows for easy storage and deployment whenever needed.
Whether you’re dealing with oils, chemicals, or other hazardous liquids, our Quick Bund Spill Mats provide reliable and efficient containment, helping you maintain a safe and compliant work environment. Available in 1,2 and 4 drum models.
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Home / Products / Hazchem Chemical Storage / Secondary Spill Containment / Quick Bund Spill Mats
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East Tamaki
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