Explore our Class 4 Dangerous Goods Cabinets, manufactured to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 5026 “Storage and handling of Class 4 Dangerous Goods.” Class 4 DG include 3 sub-types: “Flammable Solids” Examples of flammable solids include certain metallic hydrides, metallic sodium and potassium, oily fabrics, processed metals, matches, and nitrocellulose products. “Spontaneously Combustible” – Two common examples are tert-Butyllithium under Hexanes and White Phosphorus. “Dangerous When Wet” – Examples include aluminium phosphide, calcium, calcium carbide, potassium, sodium, zinc particles. When purchasing a Class 4 DG Cabinet you will need to let us know which subclass you’re looking to store so we can include the correct stickers on the cabinet.
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Home / Products / Hazchem Chemical Storage / Dangerous Goods Storage Cabinets / Class 4 Flammable Solid Storage Cabinets
4 Tāwharau Lane
East Tamaki
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