Embracing Change – Exciting changes are coming

As one of our valued customers, I wanted to let you know about the exciting changes happening in the following weeks and months.

These are:

  1. We’re changing our Trading Name and Branding from the 4th of April 2022
  2. We’re launching several new services from April 2022
  3. We’re moving into a new and larger building from August 2022
New Trading Name and Branding

I’m delighted to announce that from the 4th of April 2022 ph7 International will be changing its trading name to “pH7” and updating our branding and logo.

Dalton International has been operating for over 24 years and in that time the company has grown and changed significantly. We’ve transformed from a trading company that mainly dealt in low value, commodity products into a specialist provider of high-quality products and services for businesses working with hazardous substances.

We feel the time is right to rebrand to better reflect the why, how and what of our core business.

  • Why – protecting people/environment
  • How – Technical experts
  • What – Hazardous Substance Safety Solutions
  • With our focus firmly on the hazardous substances market, we think the choice of name, colours and tagline will resonate well our target markets.
New Services

From April 2022, you will also see us begin to promote several new services to support the product solutions we bring to market. These include:

  • Respiratory Fit Testing – Qualitative and Quantitative fit testing by Commit2Fit qualified testers
  • Emergency Shower & Eyewash Annual Check Drive
  • Over Bunding installation
  • Site Risk Assessments to focus on HAZCHEM Storage, Response, Signage, PPE
  • Onsite Hardtop Assembly
  • Chemical Handling Training
New Building

As a result of sustained growth over the last couple of years we’ve had to find a larger warehouse. From August we’ll be moving into a new building in Highbrook, which is currently under construction. The new warehouse and office will give us over 200% more pallet space and is aiming to achieve the 5 Star Green Star rating. We’re proud to be partnering with Goodman’s on the build and look forward to showing you round in due course.

The whole team are very excited about the changes ahead. But ultimately, you probably want to know what this means for you.

From the 4th of April 2022 you’ll notice the following changes:

  • New URL: www.ph7.co.nz (old URLs will redirect)
  • New email address will be first.last@ph7.co.nz (old email addresses will redirect)
  • New logo on documents
  • New uniforms

Overtime, you’ll see change to building signage, catalogues, video content and more.

Our legal name will not change so our bank details will remain the same.

Ultimately, we hope the main impact of the branding change will be a clearer understanding in the market of what we are all about. If we do our job right this will mean more enquires and ultimately more leads.

When we move location to Highbrook in August, we’ll need you to update our address details. The new office and warehouse layouts will allow us to introduce greater efficiencies and ultimately this will lead to improved service levels. Closer to the time we’ll be in touch with an updated address.

If you’re interested in finding out more detail about these changes, we’ve prepared a presentation that steps you through the thinking behind the changes, what it means for you and what you can expect. You can watch the presentation by clicking the image below:

If you have any questions about the changes we’ve announced today, please don’t hesitate to contact any of the team on 0800 323 223 or enquiries@ph7.co.nz

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Darryl Burn
Managing Director
Dalton International Ltd trading as pH7

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