COVID-19 – Back Order Letter – 31 January 2020

31 January 2020

Dear customer,

Re: Terms and Conditions of Sale for Novel Corona Virus Related Purchase Orders

The outbreak of a novel corona virus, 2019-nCoV, has resulted in a sudden increased demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to help prevent further spread of the virus.

ph7 International is committed to supporting our existing customers with their orders for surgical face masks, disposable respirators, gloves, hand sanitisers and coveralls.

With demand rapidly outstripping supply we are in the process of increasing our import program to meet this demand.

To ensure a stable supply chain for our core customer base and to continue to provide an effective service to those involved in the 2019-nCoV response, we are not able to agree to cancellation of Purchase Orders for products required in connection with the Coronavirus outbreak. In addition, except for obvious damages or defects, managed through our normal complaint handling process, no returns will be accepted.

The decision to apply such a condition has been made only after careful and serious consideration. I hope that you can understand that ph7 International is not able to cancel our purchase orders made with overseas manufacturers and as such we need to make it clear that if we commit to purchasing more stock to meet your orders that you also commit to taking this stock which has been sourced in good faith.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Key Account Manager or Customer Service Representative on 0800 323 223.

Yours sincerely

Darryl Burn
Managing Director
Dalton International Ltd

Click here to download this letter.

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